Saturday, June 30, 2007


first of all, my condolences to the Cheong family, and to Thaddeus Cheong, rest in peace my friend. i'll remember the trainings and bowling games we used to have during the interclub swimming meets. YOU'LL BE REMEMBERED. God bless.

life hasnt been the nicest thing to me so far, tests tests test, projects projects projects. thank god for the weekly soccer with the gang of slackers. HA. at least i've got a reason to look forward to school.

the hong kong trip with aunt corina's family was awesomely fun. with the kids being so lovable. gosh, the uncountable number of dumbo and teacup rides! photos up asap!

crashed at jeff's house after school yesterday with jp before meeting situ, pris and mic ng at j8 for transformers i SWEAR, that it's gotta be THE biggest(literally) blockbuster this year. the cg was so clearly detailed and the whole show was amazingly well-written. GO WATCH PEOPLE. I'M AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFORMERS MOVIE PARTNER. megan fox is hot and so are the cars!

tata for now slackers

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